Monday 7 March 2011

What's your favourite scary movie??

I am a sucker for scary movies. I have to be honest about that. I love the rush you feel when and after watching a scary movie. Not that I watch them very often. Having a toddler in your life means you don't really get to do what you want to do a lot of the time. If I'm not pretending to be the voice of Cinderella, then I am playing with plastersine or watching the
latest Disney movie or Dora the Explorer. Forget about a scary movie, I have a hard time keeping up with world news!!
Back to scary movies though. I recently found a gem of a scary movie. It's called The Hole and was directed by the guy who gave us the classic movie Gremlins. It's not the scariest movie in the world, although it does have the creepy moments and scares. Judging from how the discipleship group at my church called The Core reacted when watching it, it probably is a bit scarier and funnier than I thought but how I was I to know!?! Yes you did read that right. I did inflict a scary movie on a group of unsuspecting young people. Why you say? Because I am sick . . . No because this movie actually spoke to me.
You see I believe that truth can be found anywhere and that God can and does speak more often then we think and sometimes its in the most usual places.
So what did God say to me in The Hole? Well, I don't want to ruin it for you in case this inspires you to watch it but the basic message of the film is that we all have fears in our lives and that we tend to build them up into these huge overwhelming things that suffocate us and stop us from moving forward. The main characters in the movie have to face their fears in order to survive (there is this great scene with a clown puppet. Movie making genius) and move forward in their lives.
It made me examine my own fears, past and present. How much control over my life do I give to them? Am I running from them? How do I face up to them? The answer to the last question is, with God's help and in my experience that tends to me he uses other people to support.
So what is your greatest fear and are you facing up to it?

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